First Thursday evening at 7pm
Third Thursday morning at 9:30am
Join us online at: meet.google.com/rzu-feum-wio
Nursing? Weaning? Pregnant? Interested in chest feeding, inducing lactation or re-lactating? Have questions about pumping or returning to work? We'll help you meet your feeding goals – whatever they may be. As fellow parents, we listen and offer judgment-free support. As Volunteer Counselors, we offer guidance on what to do next.
All of our Volunteer Counselors started just like you – in need of support. Now, our volunteers range from new parents to those with 40 years of experience and IBCLC credentials. Services are always free of charge.
NMR is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Donations are welcome and support outreach to families as well as
ongoing education for Volunteer Counselors.